Friday, May 17, 2013

Day 6 - Springerville Arizona to Socorro New Mexico

Today we rode 155 miles through the high desert of New Mexico. We had favorable winds and temperatures until the last 25 miles when we had a headwind and it got very hot as we descended toward Socorro. I rode really well most of the day but when we got in to the headwinds and heat I just wanted it to be over. I don't know that I've ever been on the same road for 150 miles as we were where the scenery didn't change the whole way. It all looked pretty much the same. I would see a landmark like a house or even a tall rock column and I would guess how far it was away. Many times I would guess 5 miles and it would turn out to be 10 or 15. It seemed like it just took forever to make any visible progress down the road. There were a lot of what looked like dust devils whipped up by the wind. It looks like this area has not had much rain. Everything is really dry and dusty. Other than ranches and ranch houses, there were very few structures along the road. It's a very desolate part of the country with lots of wide open spaces for those that like that.

Before I showed up in San Diego, I had guessed that the riders from California and Arizona would be better prepared than those of us coming from the more northerly climates just because they had more favorable training weather this Spring. I have found that not to be the case at all. I have found no correlation between fitness and rider places of residence. My opinion is that someone who really wants to be ready to do this will find a way to get ready and those who don't, won't. There has to be a desire and willingness to do what needs to be done to be ready, no matter how many time constraints and weather constraints present themselves during training.

Tomorrow we are riding 170 miles over to Roswell. It is a mostly flat route over rolling hills through a lower desert. It should be desolate and hotter than today with at least another hour riding time.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really enjoying catching up on your ride! Today's post was very motivational. So true that work, discipline and focus can prepare us to do more than we can imagine. Great work!! I'm loving the ride.
